What we expect in life shapes our greatest hopes and our worst fears. From a single test with the power to advance your career to a diagnosis gone awry, join us in our new venue for a night of expectations.
Doors open at 7:30 pm. Hosted by Shane M Hanlon and Maryam Zaringhalam.
Stories by:
Newton Campbell is a Computer Scientist, STEM educator, and Space Advocate. He was led R&D groups at Raytheon BBN Technologies in the areas of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence for cyber-physical systems. His current research interests include Internet privacy, network science, and applications of artificial intelligence to dynamical systems in the fundamental sciences. Most recently, he served as the technical lead for a NASA Space Network software engineering project. While working full-time at BBN, he completed his PhD in Computer Science part-time at Nova Southeastern University. He regularly coordinates STEM activities with schools in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan area.
Laura Galante founded Galante Strategies in 2017 to equip governments and corporations to respond effectively to cyber and information threats. A Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative, Laura previously served as the Director of Global Intelligence at the cybersecurity company, FireEye Inc. (formerly Mandiant). Prior to her work in the tech sector, Laura led a team analyzing cyber capability and military doctrine contracted at the U.S. Department of Defense. She also took part in the 2010 U.S.-Russia bilateral information security talks. Laura has appeared before the UN Security Council’s meeting on cybersecurity and international peace and security, has commented in global and industry media including BBC, CNN, NBC, NPR, just to name a few.
Pierce McManus relocated to Washington from New York in 1992 to pursue a career in international diplomacy. When his budding ambassadorial ambitions flamed out, he opted for a non-traditional route -- running marathons, fronting a sleazy rock band with an unprintable name, and producing award-winning digital campaigns for fortune 500 clients. And if he looks familiar, it could be because he's a fixture of DC's decorated storytelling scene and co-host of the underground smash hit show, Perfect Liars Club. Learn more about Pierce at the curiously titled piercemcmanus.com or follow him on Instagram to see what a perfectly poached egg looks like. What's his secret? SCIENCE!
Molly Peeples is an associate astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. She spends her time trying get tenured. Molly’s science is focused on understanding the co-evolution of galaxies and cosmic gas flows by using supercomputers to generate animated gifs. (There’s some truth in there somewhere.) She is continually striving to learn how to best experience random foreign locations when jet-lagged and pre-occupied with whatever astronomy conference she’s actually there for. You can find her @astronomolly, where she swears she does tweet things other than pictures of her parents’ adorable puppy.
John Trumbo is a senior healthcare writer with a bachelor’s in communications and a concentration in journalism from James Madison University. He also holds a master’s in nonfiction writing from the Johns Hopkins University. Specialty areas of study included Crafting Nonfiction Voice, the Literature of Science, Essay and Memoir, Review and Opinion Writing, Teaching Writing and more. Professionally, John writes about transforming the care experience with the help of innovative health IT solutions that put patients first. follow him @JohnMTrumbo.