Every year, we host dozens of live shows around the world - in person and online - featuring all kinds of storytellers: researchers, doctors, engineers, patients, poets, comedians, and more. Some of our stories are heartbreaking, others are hilarious. They're all true and all very personal.

We create custom in-person and virtual events that connect and engage. The events we create are all about your people and your culture. Our talented producers work closely with clients to bring true, personal stories about science to life, told as only your own community can. Shows are honest, funny, and unexpected — bringing humanity to science in a way that leaves an indelible mark on listeners and tellers alike.
Story Collider’s custom sponsored shows can:
Foster relationships and connection. Story Collider offers an opportunity to build relationships through the power of storytelling. Our shows are interactive, so that all attendees, not just the storytellers, are fully engaged -- so much so that we boast an audience retention rate of nearly 100%, even online.
Share your institution or organization’s stories with the world. Storytelling is the perfect way to showcase the key figures and important work of your organization or institution. Share the untold stories of your organization with the public!
Develop valuable communication skills within your organization. Our producers work one-on-one with each storyteller to develop their stories and prepare them for the show. Storytellers often report that they incorporate the skills they gleaned from this process into their teaching, science communication, and daily lives.
Deepen your team’s sense of mission. Storytellers frequently tell us that the process of preparing and telling their story instills in them a renewed sense of purpose or enthusiasm for their work, as they reflect on what it means to them.
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Start Your Own Show
Want to start your own Story Collider-like science storytelling show in your community? Join The Story Collider Network!