Neuroscientist Rebecca Brachman is working late one night alone in the lab when she accidentally sticks herself with a needle full of deadly toxin.
Read MoreChris Duffy: A Comedian Walks Into Some Neuroscience
After reading about scientific theories of humor, comedian Chris Duffy decides to see if those principles can make his act better.
Read MoreKia: Control
A young neuroscientist seeks control through an eating disorder.
Read MoreBrittany Bushnell: A Neuroscientist With a Brain Tumor
Just after beginning a graduate program in neuroscience, Brittany Bushnell gets an unexpected look at her own brain.
Read MoreCarl Hart: My Cousin's Meds
When neuroscientist Carl Hart meets with his cousin he wonders about what he now knows about psychiatric medication and society, and whether his own life is a success.
Read MoreBianca Jones Marlin: It's Because She's Black
On the first day of grad school for her PhD, a fellow student tells Bianca Jones Marlin that she doesn't really belong there.
Read MoreDaniel Engber: Distracting Mark Cuban
Daniel Engber risks derailing his PhD by constant daydreaming, until his neuroscience research gives him a idea that will revolutionize the NBA.
Read MoreMoran Cerf: Finding Fear
When he misses the opportunity to work with one of the most famous patients in neuroscience, Moran Cerf takes an unorthodox approach.
Read MoreDeena Walker: Just Like My Sister
When anxiety begins to overtake her, biology student Deena Walker begins to worry she'll end up just like her mentally ill sister.
Read MoreAnna Wexler: A crucial choice
There is one rule more important than any other in an fMRI experiment: no metal. But a stuck piercing makes aspiring neuroscientist Anna Wexler make a crucial choice -- end her career, or face possible serious injury?
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