Now Accepting Pitches for Two New Story Collider Series!

Story Collider is on the lookout for compelling, personal stories for two upcoming podcast series! We’re looking for storytellers with unique perspectives and lived experiences related to the following themes:
Urban Climate Change: As we’ve seen with the recent wildfires in LA, cities are on the frontlines of climate change—whether it’s rising temperatures, innovative green infrastructure, or surprising moments of resilience in urban settings. We’re looking for stories about how this global challenge intersects with your personal journey in the urban world. Have you experienced extreme weather in your city? Played a part in an urban sustainability project? Or found unexpected connections between city living and the natural world? Tell us about it!

Bridging Beliefs: Have you navigated relationships with people whose beliefs about science differ from your own? Whether it’s climate change, vaccines, evolution, or other controversial scientific topics, we’re looking for stories that explore the challenges, humor, and humanity of these conversations. Have you found common ground with someone who sees science differently? Had a personal turning point that changed your own perspective? Or struggled to connect with loved ones because of differing views on science? Or maybe you study how people deal with conflict and have the secret answer to how we can all learn to get along in this increasingly divided world. Either way we want to hear about how you’ve dealt with being at odds.

What We’re Looking For:

  • True, first-person stories that center on a pivotal moment or turning point in your life.

  • A clear connection to one of the themes.

  • A focus on storytelling rather than lectures or presentations.

Who Should Pitch: Anyone with a story to tell! No previous storytelling experience is required—our team will work with you to craft your narrative.
How to Submit: Fill out the form below or email us ( a brief pitch (2–3 paragraphs) about your story idea and how it fits one of these themes. Include your contact information and any relevant details about your background.
Deadline: Ongoing
We can’t wait to hear from you!