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Providence, RI - Brain Week

  • AS220 Main Stage 115 Empire Street Providence, RI, 02903 United States (map)

Join us for this special show in Providence in honor of Brain Week Rhode Island! We'll present five true, personal stories about brains.

Hosted by Ari Daniel and Katie Wu.

Find out more about other Brain Week Rhode Island events here:

Stories by:

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Dana Boebinger is a PhD student in the Harvard-MIT program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology, studying how the human brain understands complex sounds like speech and music. She is also Co-Director of Harvard Science in the News, a graduate student organization that works to bridge the communication gap between scientists and non-scientists through free public lectures, online blogs, science cafes, podcasts, outreach programming, and more. In her little remaining free time, Dana plays the flute in a local orchestra, lifts heavy things for fun, and obsesses over her cats.


Amy Hogarth lives in Providence, RI in an old house with two dogs (Rust & Maude), her wife and her foster son. Amy has a master’s degree in family therapy from Fairfield University. She has worked in the field of Child Welfare for the past 20 years learning from kids who have grown up in less than ideal circumstances. She has worked extensively with youth who have experienced trauma. She is writing a book about her experiences as a parent, and a human, trying to get better at both endeavors.

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Richard Muto is the education/resource center manager at the Brain Injury Association of Rhode Island. His previous work in the nonprofit field was for AIDS Project Rhode Island. He is a brain injury survivor who serves on various committees and was appointed four years ago to serve on the Governor's Permanent Advisory Commission on Traumatic Brain Injury


Speaker, writer and advocate Jose Rosario is a mental health professional with hopes to facilitate a conversation surrounding mental health. With his message of empowerment and acceptance, he hopes to reach individuals during some of the most tumultuous points of their lives and encourage healing. His initiative, The Phoenix Empowered, strives to assert that it is permissible to rise up and find your voice.


Kevin Wilson is a 4th year medical student going into neurology. He hopes to dedicate his career to medical outreach, science communication, and patient advocacy, and gets a huge kick out of letting his students hold brains for the first time. They’re from dead people and it’s totally legal. The brains, that is. In his spare time, he runs, battles Sunday crosswords, and speaks to his cats in an unreasonably high voice.

Earlier Event: March 14
Cambridge, UK - Regeneration
Later Event: April 3
New York, NY - Diagnosis