Initiations: Stories about proving oneself

When Colleen McDermott signs up to be a forestry conservationist for the summer, they soon notice that none of their colleagues look like them, and on Pete McCorvey’s first deployment in the United States Navy, he is dreading the part of training where he gets pepper sprayed.

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Learning: Stories from our workshops

As a teenager growing up in Iran Yasamin Jodat hears about a robotics competition at the local boys' school, and she is determined to do whatever it takes to be part of it, and a third cancer diagnosis threatens to ruin JulieAnn Villa's love of running.

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Expertise: Stories about knowledge

When Zach Weinersmith agrees to create a trivia game, he doesn’t realize how hard it is to come up with facts that are both interesting and actually true, and concerned about his eyesight, comedian Josh Johnson desperately searches for a good doctor.

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Skin Deep: Stories about racial disparities

While preparing for a lecture, Stacy Vasquez finds a racist term on a skin slide, and while learning about Lyme disease in medical school, LaShyra Nolen isn’t satisfied when the professor can’t tell her what the rash would look like on dark skin.

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Observations: Stories about noticing the details

Documentary filmmaker Caitlin Starowicz is so focused on making her movie about endangered Mountain Gorillas a success that she fails to see what’s in front of her, and for a story on escape rooms, journalist Danny Wicentowski studies the trials, triumphs, and strategies of the players.

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