In order to score extra credit in her high school anatomy class, Amy Segal embarks on a journey to build a cat skeleton, and Dave Coyle goes on a smelly mission to find the endangered American burying beetle for his undergraduate project.
Read MoreExpect the Unexpected: Stories about unforeseen circumstances
While shooting a TV show about the brain, producer Esther Stone gets the opportunity to interview a notorious serial killer, and as someone who’s seen every single episode of Mayday, Sara Mazrouei considers herself an expert in all the ways you can die on a plane until she takes a flight to Australia.
Read MoreChildhood Dreams: Stories about youthful aspirations
On the top bunk in her childhood bedroom, Kayla Hernandez makes plans to escape her home life and become a scientist and, as a teenager, Marc Abbott dreams of finding a wife and having kids, but a case of testicular torsion could ruin it all.
Read MoreCalling: Stories about one's vocation
When pediatric oncologist Sam Blackman gets called for a consult by the obstetrics department, he’s convinced they have the wrong number, and after 25 years of teaching, Matthew Dicks questions whether or not he should still be a teacher.
Read MoreBlending In: Stories about trying to belong
Neuroscientist Pardeep Singh feels more than out of place when he ends up as a contestant on The Bachelorette and when Thiago Arzua comes to the United States from Brazil to study science he doesn’t know how to fit in.
Read MoreHealing Power of Nature: Stories about finding peace outside
Geography and Environmental Sciences Professor John Aubert is having a hard time connecting to his now teenage daughter, and Sarah Luchini may be in over her head, literally, as she tries to cross a river while hiking on the Appalachian Trail.
Read MoreOverachieving: Stories about going above and beyond
As a new, super competitive, graduate student Aditi Nadkarni thinks she has the perfect way to impress her advisor and labmates ... until one night it spirals a tiny bit out of control and while completing a community service requirement in high school, comedian Wyatt Cenac puts a drunk driving simulation to the test.
Read MoreUnconventional Friendships: Stories about unlikely pairs
Journalist Jon Ronson is excited when he hears about some 'sentient' robots, but when he goes to interview them he finds both less and more than he ever expected and when The Colbert Report calls about her research, marine biologist Skylar Bayer finds an unexpected collaborator and friend in the fisherman helping her get scallops.
Read MoreStrength in Numbers: Stories from Latasha Wright
Biologist Latasha Wright is at work one day when she suddenly begins to experience intense pain and just before she leaves for her dream opportunity to teach marine science on the Red Sea, Latasha Wright gets a call that puts her plans in jeopardy.
Read MorePhobias: Stories about fears
Steve Whyte decides to try exposure therapy to overcome his fear of germs.
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