Growing up in Pakistan, Salman Hameed falls in love with the mysteries of the universe when he stumbles upon Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, and as Zuri pursues her dream of becoming an immunologist at Harvard, she begins to worry that she’s being “weeded out.”
Jitesh Jaggi keeps his struggle with trichotillomania a secret, until one day his wife catches him in the act, when Devan Sandiford finally decides to seek therapy, he finds it more difficult than expected.
Meisa Salaita’s brand-new PhD in chemistry isn’t much help as she prepares to teach ninth-grade physics, and early in her career, astronomer Jackie Faherty’s work is stunned when a senior researcher eviscerates her work at a conference
Kate Willet is frustrated by the gaps of information in her abstinence-based sex ed class, and sex ed instructor Charlie Blake fields an unexpected question from a student.
After switching majors to anthropology, Edith Gonzalez struggles to dress like an archaeologist, and at seven years old, Brianna A. Baker gets confronted with some uncomfortable realities of being the only Black girl in her class.
Andrea Jones-Rooy quits her job as a scientist in order to become a scientist, and while studying flying foxes in Indonesia, Susan Tsang gets caught in a rainstorm that changes her relationship to field work.
After her child is finally diagnosed with Hermansky Pudlock Syndome, Donna Appell set off on a mission to make sure other parents have the information she didn’t, and feeling unmoored after she’s diagnosed with LFS, Jenn Perry attends a patient conference that changes her life.
On her first day as a music therapist, Jude Treder-Wolff realizes the job isn’t what she expected, and after witnessing tragedy as a child, Mani-Jade Garcia stops speaking
Fresh out of college, Stephanie Keep is hired to be the assistant to legendary evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, and at age fourteen, Fabrizzio Subia begins assisting a local dentist in treating undocumented patients.
Lawrence Green wakes up in a hospital room to find that he’s sustained devastating injuries in a motorcycle accident, and after tragedy strikes her family, Camille Adams Jones must find a way to confront her own trauma.
In his early twenties, Jonathan Feakins goes above and beyond for his job as a West Nile virus mosquito technician, and while working as a coral reef biologist in Panama in 1989, Nancy Knowlton and her young daughter are taken into the custody of the Panamanian military when the U.S. invades.
Months after Howard Lieberman contracts COVID-19 on a business trip in March 2020, he continues to suffer, and when Monica drops off her fiancé at the hospital, she doesn’t know it’s the last time she’ll see him alive.
Psychiatrist Xiaosi Gu studies COVID-19’s impact on mental health, just as her own begins to deteriorate, and Stacey Bader Curry’s family and career are thriving — until the pandemic throws it all into chaos.
Having planned to tie the knot in April 2020, Jared Waters finds himself separated from his fiancée by COVID lockdown instead, and the pandemic prompts Jamie Brickhouse and his partner to consider getting married.
When Gail Thomas moves in with her family during the pandemic, tensions brew between sisters, and the pandemic brings Wendy Bredhold and her ex-husband back together under the same roof for Thanksgiving.
A disagreement about COVID-19 precautions drives a wedge between Archy Jamjun and his partner, and Julie Grace Immink tries to hide her fear from her young son when her husband is hospitalized for COVID-19.
Harvey, a brand-new nurse, is thrust into the hectic environment of a Brooklyn ICU at the onset of the pandemic, and in spring 2021, he begins to reckon with the trauma he’s experienced in the past year.
After a dangerous incident, Kalā Holiday begins to question his work as a tour guide in his ancestral land of Hawai’i, and Jeremy Richardson must reconcile his roots in coal country with his identity as a climate scientist.
After working in the Everglades, ecologist Stephen Smith expects his new gig in Cape Cod to be a piece of cake until one winter day in the sand dunes, and Henrique Bravo plans to travel the world in search of 30 endangered species, but after he departs on his journey, he begins to wonder if he has bit off more than he can chew.
Tragedy strikes suddenly while Lindsay Cooper is in the field studying right whales, and Rachel Cassandra dreams of a life on the sea, but her captain makes unwelcome advances.
A U.S. customs agent asks Canadian climate scientist Simon Donner an unexpected question, and as a child, Victoria Gee becomes determined to rescue the wildlife in her neighborhood.
As a young ecologist in Brazil's Mata Atlântica rainforest, Lauren Eckert struggles to find the monkeys she’s looking for, and marine biologist Dyhia Belhabib makes an unexpected connection at the port of Bejaia.
Dorothy Tovar faces her fear of nature when she embarks on a month-long safari trip in Botswana's Okavango Delta, and caving with her research team in South Africa's Cradle of Humankind, Nompumelelo Hlophe finds herself in a tight spot.
Kasia Majewski searches for a reticulated python that has gone missing, and Edith Gonzalez connects with the less-than-glamorous side of archeology.
A tumultuous trip to her grandparents’ farm sets Johana Goyes Vallejos on a path looking for the biologist inside her, and under pressure to fit in at summer camp, Misha Gajewski signs up for a canoe trip that she’s not ready for.
Looking to make an impact with science, Beverly Naigles and her fellow graduate students decide to teach a science class at a nearby jail, and incarcerated for robbery at the age of 21, Khalil Cumberbatch learns about the science of brain development after his release.
While working at a whale research station in northern Maine, Brenna Sowder receives an unexpected visit from a celebrity, and raised in a very traditional Cuban family with very little money, Catalina Martinez has to fight for her place in science.
When Kimberly Chao begins her internship, she doesn’t expect to end up covered in acid, and when Saad Sarwana is detained at the airport after Sept. 11, he tries to prove that he’s a physicist.
Story Collider co-founder Ben Lillie joins us on the podcast today to discuss some of his favorite stories from the past 11 years, and also share one of his own.
This week, in anticipation of our first annual Proton Prom on Thursday, June 3, we’re sharing stories from two of our featured guests, champion storyteller Steve Zimmer and physicist and comedian Saad Sarwana
This week, our host Erin Barker is joined on the podcast by the hosts of our online live shows, Gastor Almonte and Paula Croxson, to introduce two fan-favorite stories from the past year of Story Collider’s online live shows.
In celebration of The Story Collider's 11th birthday, we’re sharing two of our most loved stories from years past!
Feeling more and more isolated as the pandemic continues, Brooklynite Adam Selbst finds purpose in a mutual aid project, and separated from her own beloved Persian grandmother during the pandemic, Sarvin Esmaelli stumbles on an opportunity to help someone else’s.
Sean Wellington is reluctant to wear a mask at first — until he discovers an unconventional reason to, and dealing with mask-resistant patients prompts pediatrician Ken Haller to reflect on his experience with a past pandemic
When Nestor Gomez is separated from his mother during the pandemic, it brings back painful memories of a different kind of separation, and Sharon Chandar feels helpless when she find out there’s been a COVID-19 outbreak at her elderly mother’s nursing home.
Jenny DeLessio-Parson has always prided herself on being a super teacher — until the challenges of remote teaching during the pandemic begin to add up, and as pandemic progresses, Amanda Geduld begins to feel that she and her fellow teachers aren’t receiving the support and respect they need to do their jobs.
This week, we begin sharing Stories of COVID-19 once again, starting with stories about the ways COVID-19 has impacted our working lives.
In this last installment of our “Two Sides” series, we’ll hear stories from a brother and sister. Despite being born 18 years apart, Susan Kay Maller and Dan Boyd have similar memories of growing up with their mother — though how they dealt with these situations couldn’t be more different.
In this week’s episode, EMT Jenice Matias shares two stories, starting with the moment she woke up in a psychiatric ward with no recollection of how she got there.
This week is the start of a very special three-part mini-series centered around stories about mental health, told from two different perspectives.
Ornithologist Dai Shizuka finds himself relating to an unusual bird that sings in more than one dialect, and when Nestor Gomez takes his child to be vaccinated, it brings up fearful memories from his own childhood.
This week, we’re sharing a very special bonus episode while we’re between series! Both of stories in this episode are from Story Collider champions.
In Part 2 of this episode, we’re sharing two more stories about the powerful love that has sustained us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
From an unlikely pandemic wedding to the bond formed between researcher and patient, this episode will examine the powerful love that sustains us during this time.
In part 2 of Clarity, we’re sharing two more stories about the ways the pandemic has brought our lives into sharper focus.
The starkness and suddenness of the pandemic has forced many of us to stop and reconsider our lifestyles. In this episode, our storytellers will share tales of how their priorities and values have come into focus since lockdown began.
In Part 2 of this episode, we have THREE more stories about how our storytellers are finding community during the pandemic.
While most of our interactions are through a computer screen, it’s tough inspire feelings of community. But our stories in this episode will explore the ways in which our storytellers managed to do just that.
When Sudeep Agarwala becomes a synthetic biologist, he rediscovers a tradition from his childhood, and Jasmina Aganovic’s passion for science leads her to an unexpected place.